TotalEnergies EP Namibia B.V. plans to undertake a 3D seismic survey in southern Block 2913B, targeting the potentially oil-rich Damara and South Damara structures of Namibia’s Orange Basin.
In preparation for the seismic survey programme, SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd (SLR) has been entrusted by TotalEnergies EP Namibia to oversee the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) Renewal and Amendment process.
In line with this, a public notice has been issued, formally announcing the application for the Renewal and Amendment of the ECC for the Seismic Survey Programme in Licence Blocks 2912 and 2913B, Orange Basin, Namibia. The current ECC, held by the Proponent and its Partners, is valid until 29 June 2024.
“The proposed seismic survey represents a significant step towards further understanding the geological structures in Namibia’s Orange Basin,” stated SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd.
The proposed survey spans across licence blocks situated 240km offshore, with water depths ranging from 2,600m to 3,800m.
The endeavour, scheduled to commence this year, is a strategic move by TotalEnergies, in collaboration with its joint venture partners Qatar Energy, Impact, and NAMCOR, to further enhance exploration activities in the region.
This initiative follows positive outcomes from TotalEnergies’ Venus-1A appraisal well in Block 2913B, located approximately 13km north of the Venus-1X discovery well.
The intent behind the ECC renewal and amendment is to enable the acquisition of comprehensive 3D seismic data covering the entirety of the two licence blocks, utilising both standard streamer seismic technology and Ocean Bottom Node (OBN) technology.
Explaining the innovative approach, SLR noted that “OBN technology utilises small receivers temporarily placed on the seafloor to record reflected sound, offering a detailed subsurface perspective”.
The application for renewal and amendment will be directed to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism to extend the survey scope to cover up to 18,170 square kilometres over multiple survey seasons.
With expectations of the first oil from major offshore discoveries by 2030, Namibia stands poised for a transformative phase in its energy sector.
TotalEnergies’ comprehensive approach to seismic exploration aligns with its broader strategy of sustainable resource development and environmental stewardship, emphasizing technological innovation and regulatory compliance.
The outcome of the ECC renewal and amendment process will not only shape the trajectory of TotalEnergies’ operations in Namibia but also have far-reaching implications for the country’s energy security and economic prosperity.
This comes after TotalEnergies, in September last year, announced positive results from its Venus-1A appraisal well, situated in Block 2913B, approximately 13km north of the Venus-1X discovery well.
The French supermajor is presently conducting a multi-well appraisal and exploration drilling programme in Namibia. Namibia expects the first oil from major offshore finds by 2030.