Canadian oil and gas company, ReconAfrica, has announced the retirement of Craig Steinke as a director and chairman of the board.
Steinke has been a director and president of the company since January 2022.
According to the company, Steinke has played a central role in the development of ReconAfrica, including the acquisition of Petroleum Exploration Permit 073 in Namibia and PEL 001 in Botswana, the acquisition of the Jarvie-1 drilling rig, and the drilling of three stratigraphic test wells.
“The creation of ReconAfrica in 2013 and the discovery of the Kavango Basin was a highlight of my professional career. The original concept that the unexplored Kavango Basin contained a functioning petroleum system was proven through the drilling of the first three wells ReconAfrica trialed in the basin. The Jarvie-1 drilling rig acquisition in 2019 was timely and provided the company with much-needed drilling flexibility and will continue to be a strategic asset in the future. I am also proud of the social initiatives we have undertaken in Kavango East and Kavango West,” he said.
Diana McQueen, currently serving as the Company’s Senior Vice President of Stakeholder Relations and Communications since April 2021, joins the company’s board as a director and president.
Also joining the board of the company as an independent director and chair of the Audit Committee is Jeffrey Harder, currently a director of MCF Energy Ltd.
“We would like to thank Craig for his years of leadership and service in founding ReconAfrica. I have enjoyed working with Craig over the last 10 months and we both share a common vision to grow ReconAfrica into an enterprise of scale. The company is well-positioned to execute an exciting exploration drilling program. Both Craig and Diana have been integral parts of building our robust environmental, social, and governance programs in the Kavango region. We will continue that legacy. We continue to enhance our Board of Directors as we expand our governance structure and broaden its core competencies, which Jeffrey Harder will provide as chair of the Audit Committee. We welcome Jeffrey to ReconAfrica,” said Brian Reinsborough, ReconAfrica President and CEO.
ReconAfrica is a Canadian oil and gas company engaged in the opening of the newly discovered deep Kavango Sedimentary Basin in the Kalahari Desert of northeastern Namibia and northwestern Botswana, where the company holds petroleum licenses comprising approximately 8 million contiguous acres.